李俨 讲师
李俨,工学博士。毕业于浙江大学,机械工程专业。主要研究方向为自动铺丝技术工艺与装备、复合材料力学理论、基于机器学习的复合材料力学性能预测。主研流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室纵向及横向项目等3项。参研多项校企合作、国防军工项目。以第一作者及通讯作者在Tribology International、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、Polymer composites等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文。
[1] Yan Li, Chenggan Zheng, Junxia Jiang, et al. Modeling of tow tension fluctuations and parameter optimization during the stable transfer phase for automated fiber placement[J]. Tribology International, 2023, 27(2): 985-998.
[2] Yan Li, Chenggan Zheng, Junxia Jiang, et al. Numerical and experimental study of the viscosity and mechanical parameters effect on tow feeding quality during Automated Fiber Placement[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 69(5): 2377-2389.
[3] Chenggan Zheng, Zhengqiang Tang, Yan Li*, et al. Compression and interlaminar shear behavior of steered laminates manufactured by automated fiber placement[J], Polymer composites, 2024, 54(7): 1395-1407.
[4] Yan Li, Chenggan Zheng, Zhe Che, et al. Modeling of Precise Tension with Passive Dancers for Automated Fiber Placement[J]. Actuators (Accept).
[5] Yan Li, Yuxiao He, Junxia Jiang, et al. Modeling and experimental validation of the contact characteristics for laying during automated fiber placement[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 74(6): 131-145.
[6] Junxia Jiang, Qun Dong, Yan Li*, Xiaoou Zhong. A study on the stiffness of the end of the suspended master–slave remote control manipulator[J]. Journal Of The Brazilian Society Of Mechanical Sciences And Engineering (Accept).